Imagine you get an empty house with no or very little furniture compared to a house or apartment that is fully furnished and looks cozy and inviting. Which would appeal to you more?

If you are a real estate investor or a retail business owner of furniture, construction materials and are looking for solutions to sell or rent your products, you certainly know how important the image of the product attached to the interior space of the real estate is in helping you close the deal. A breakthrough technology that takes these simulated images of commercial real estate interior spaces to a whole new level without much effort is the solution of VIRTUAL STAGING - VIRTUAL SIMULATION - SOLUTION FOR THE RETAIL INDUSTRY. Virtual staging will simulate for customers to witness with their own eyes how the products and interior materials will be used and customized in the space of their future home. Thereby, expressing in the most realistic and complete way the visualization that customers want to make their purchasing decisions.


Introducing the VIRTUAL STAGING - Solution for retail

VIRTUAL STAGING – VIRTUAL STAGING is the process of turning a photo of an empty commercial space into a realistic image of a beautifully decorated commercial space by adding virtual furniture and decorations that resemble real photos. This helps to impress customers and increase the ability to recognize and enhance the value of the property. Thereby helping potential buyers visualize the property and imagine how it will look when they buy or rent it. Although virtual staging solutions for residential and commercial properties are similar, they are very different in their purpose. Customers will easily move around the real space of the property or the virtual showroom with just one click. Every angle of the product can be interacted with and experienced by customers. Shopping has become more fun and wonderful. Customers will be able to change the materials, colors, accessories that best suit them through the product features. Buyers will have an overview of the product they are choosing. And in fact, buyers will feel more satisfied and secure when deciding to buy the product.


Keeping up with the new technology trend, many leading real estate and retail brands in the world and Vietnam have quickly deployed virtual reality solutions for their VIRTUAL STAGING – VIRTUAL SIMULATION. These include: Vinhome, Novaland, Alibaba, Janhome, etc.



With Virtual Staging you can easily design your home to your own favorite, even if you have old furniture in your space. Virtual Staging is also great for messy, old, or unoptimized homes that could use a makeover. We will remove existing furniture as if it was never there. Then we will create the optimal design that makes your space look best.

Jan 28, 2024

Viet Nam


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