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Should you hire an Interior Designer?

When having enough financial resources, many families seek interior design services for their dream home. However, to make the decision of whether or not to hire an interior designer, you need to keep these tips in mind.

Should you hire an interior design company?

Interior design and construction are both important steps that contribute to creating the most complete appearance for a beautiful house. However, whether or not to hire a home interior design unit is a problem that worries many homeowners.

The point is:

Not everyone is willing to spend tens of millions to hire an interior design company. Instead, many people choose to search for interior design samples on the Internet and ask the interior construction company to do the same.


Benefits of designing your own home interior

When you design your own home interior, you have the opportunity to create a living space that suits the preferences and purposes of your family members.

Designing your own interior helps you save money on hiring an interior design company. You can use that money to buy other furniture or use it for necessary things like hiring a home interior construction company.

Disadvantages of designing your own home interior

However, designing your own home interior does not always bring benefits to the project.

You are an amateur in the industry, so it is obvious that you will not understand the project well, even if it is your own house. The necessary technical requirements to help design a beautiful interior that is suitable for the space are not something that every amateur can do. Therefore, the harm that happens when you design your own home interior is that the furniture and the area of the house do not match each other.

When you think that designing your own home interior will help you save a lot of money, especially when hiring an interior design unit costs at least a few tens of millions of VND. However, because you are an outsider, the lack or excess of self-designed interior details will certainly happen. This leads to losing more money because you have to connect or destroy it, causing the project to lose its aesthetic value and causing unnecessary waste.

Through these pros and cons analysis, you should carefully consider whether to design your home interior yourself or hire a unit. However, according to Nha Dep So, you should choose a reputable, professional interior design unit. Because these units will have enough qualifications and experience to realize all your ideas and preferences without you having to worry about excess or shortage as when doing it yourself. Currently, there are many units that design home interiors at good prices for you to choose based on your budget.


MOMENT gives you advice to save the most time and money when you want to hire a home interior design company, as follows:

If you have an idea and want to design a home interior that meets your requirements, first of all, you should refer to the design samples on reputable architecture and interior design websites or the official website of interior design companies.

From there, choose the design sample that best suits your idea and based on that, make your design requirements to the hired unit.


Study the interior design company carefully before hiring.

Before deciding to hire an interior design company for your home, the first thing you need to do is to learn carefully about them. The fastest way to know and understand an interior design company is to look at the products that the firm has implemented, and the reviews of customers who have used the service.

Nowadays, it is not difficult for you to find an architect to design a house interior, but choosing someone with ability and experience is not simple.

However, you can still guess the ability of an interior design architect, through:

  • Is the company or organization that the architect is working for reputable or not?
  • What is the interior design experience of that architect?

Once you have filtered out a few suitable architects, you can propose to "witness" the projects that the architect has done.

In addition, it is quite important to choose an interior design architect who is working at a unit that owns a wood furniture factory because wood is the most important material in any home interior design.

A clear and specific contract is required.

Hiring an interior design company requires a contract between party A and party B, that is, between you and the interior design company you choose. The contract must clearly state the terms to avoid unnecessary disputes and arguments that may occur during or after the interior design period.

Let architects be proactive

Hiring an architect means that you are wholeheartedly entrusting the interior design to them based on your ideas, preferences and purposes. But let the architect take the initiative to realize your suggestions in this design. The most important thing you need to do during the design process is to ensure that the architect has creative freedom.

Should you hire a full interior design and construction service?

Every homeowner wonders whether they should hire a full interior design and construction service or not?


Interior design and construction unit should be considered carefully

If you choose a separate design unit and an interior construction unit, many problems will arise. Because the interior design unit will hand over the 3D drawing while what the interior construction unit hands over to you is the actual project. If you hire two units, there is a high possibility of discrepancies between the drawing on paper and the actual completion. Especially when you choose a design unit that is inexperienced, does not understand the materials, construction techniques, or the interior construction unit randomly implements the design drawing without careful research.

The best thing to do is still to choose a unit that has both interior design and construction to avoid errors. The services after handing over the product are also better.

A complete interior design and construction unit helps you save a significant amount of money, minimizes additional costs, helps the interior space reach the highest aesthetic level, and meets the requirements you set for the company.

What should the homeowner prepare?

Because interior design is very important and affects the final result, you need to prepare yourself with:

Clearly define your requirements and desires

Before choosing to hire an interior design company, you need to clearly understand your requirement. Only then can you easily filter out the company that best suits your needs, purposes and budget. Should you hire a full interior design and construction service or not?



Ultimately, to create a beautiful interior space that fully satisfies your wishes depends on the two most important factors:

  • A reputable and professional interior design company
  • A suitable interior cost estimate

MOMENT hopes that this article will answer all your questions about finding a designer and interior contractor for your dream home.?

Jan 28, 2024

Viet Nam


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